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lvl domain create

Create a new domain


Create a new domain

This command is somewhat overloaded on ways of creating a domain in the control panel. The exact operation done is specified by --action.

"--action create" (the default) means the domain is registered new with Level27. Full info for registration of a domain must be provided (such as domain contact info).

"--action none" allows a domain entity to be created in the API without actually registering it anywhere. This means not all info must be provided.

lvl domain create [flags]


      --wait                        Wait for the operation to finish on the API.
-a, --action string Specify how the domain is created. Options are 'none' or 'create' (default "create")
--externalInfo string Required when billableItemInfo for an organisation exist in db
-n, --name string the name of the domain (REQUIRED)
-l, --licensee int32 The unique identifier of a domaincontact with type licensee
--organisation string The organisation that will own the new domain.
--nameserver1 string Nameserver
--nameserver2 string Nameserver
--nameserver3 string Nameserver
--nameserver4 string Nameserver
--nameserverIp1 string IP address for nameserver
--nameserverIp2 string IP address for nameserver
--nameserverIp3 string IP address for nameserver
--nameserverIp4 string IP address for nameserver
--nameserverIpv61 string IPv6 address for nameserver
--nameserverIpv62 string IPv6 address for nameserver
--nameserverIpv63 string IPv6 address for nameserver
--nameserverIpv64 string IPv6 address for nameserver
--ttl int32 Time to live: amount of time (in seconds) the DNS-records stay in the cache (default 28800)
--eppCode string eppCode
--handleDns should dns be handled by lvl27 (default true)
--extra fields string extra fields (json, non-editable)
--domaincontactOnsite int32 the unique id of a domaincontact with type onsite
--autoTeams string a csv list of team id's
-h, --help help for create

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apikey string   API key
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.lvl.yaml)
-o, --output string Specifies output mode for commands. Accepted values are 'text', 'json', 'yaml' or 'id'. (default "text")
--trace Do detailed network request logging. This is intended for debugging and should not be parsed.