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lvl app migrations create

Create a new app migration.


Items to migrate are specified with --migration-item, taking a parameter in a comma-separated key=value format. Multiple items can be migrated at once by specifying --migration-item multiple times.

lvl app migrations create [appName] [flags]


lvl app migrations create MyAppName --migration-item 'source=forum, destSystem=newForumSystem' --migration-item 'source=database, destGroup=newDbGroup, ord=2'


  -h, --help                         help for create
--migration-item stringArray Migration items. each item should contain at least a 'source' (the component to migrate) and a 'destSystem' or 'destGroup' to migrate to.
--planned string DateTime - timestamp.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apikey string   API key
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.lvl.yaml)
-o, --output string Specifies output mode for commands. Accepted values are 'text', 'json', 'yaml' or 'id'. (default "text")
--trace Do detailed network request logging. This is intended for debugging and should not be parsed.